My Backstory
Thinking I was going to be a psychologist, I studied for years and got as far as my Honours Degree, but now I’m a freelance writer.
Go figure.
I realized early on that while I am good at helping people make their problems go away, my clients were better served with me in front of my laptop than in a therapist’s chair.
I love nothing more than helping my clients make a difference by bringing their service or product to life in a vividly memorable way.
What gets me up in the morning (besides my noisy kids) is helping people to take that thing they love and maximize their potential through exquisite storytelling.
My superhero power is cutting through the noise and getting down to the nitty-gritty of what makes your business noteworthy.
Here's the hot Shelley Gossip
I’m a mom to 3 tiny terrors who make my heart go thump-thump, pitter-pat
I have accepted my life of servitude to 3 rescue kitties with great dignity – they are undoubtedly the boss of me
I’m a recovering chocoholic (I regularly fall off the wagon because…yum)
I hate all seafood – even fish fingers and especially sushi. Raw fish? Seriously. The. Worst.
I can’t do scary movies
My favourite dinosaur is the tanycolagreus (Don’t ask lol)
I am terrified of trampoline static electricity – I run like a frenzied chicken across the yard while my charged-up children try to zap me (little beasts)
I am incapable of making a normal-sized bowl of popcorn (is there even such a thing?)
I lose all sense of sanity for December, because….CHRISTMAS!! (Might truly be the love of my life - sorry hubby!)
Blue is my favourite colour
This is the house where plants come to die. I am incapable of keeping anything green alive no matter how hard I try.
Dad jokes are the best – the sillier the better
13 is my lucky number because I’m completely ornery and love to be different.